I notice that there are whispers in the ether at the moment about sales of Tesla cars, particularly in Europe. Some sources claim that they are down or at least have hit a wall, with reported volumes in Spain and France down by around 70%. I wonder if this is true? I do hope so. I despise what Musk has turned into, a lickspittle sidekick of one of the most corrupt politicians in history, someone who has (cynically or otherwise) acquired a firehose of shit that he sprays out over the world in an attempt to skew the views of the feable minded, proping up a sesspit of self interest with "on-narrative" garbage.
I try not to listen to Trump, I remember when he was president before I congratulated myself on having never heard an entire mangled sentence, managing to reach the remote control fast enough to switch channels for a period of four long, tedious years. Unfortunately the shear quantity of crap coming out of the usual channels at the moment means that it's almost impossible to avoid, particularly on social media which I suppose is all part of their strategy!
It feels like we're all in a lift descending into a dark pit with an unknown depth, and no matter how much we mash on the "up-button" to return to the light, nothing happens. Listening to some of the utter shit that is currently being spewed from the mouths of bloated, entitled Americans these days it's ever more difficult to remain calm and balanced. Still, I suppose there is always one lever that we can pull on (for now at least) and that is we can boycott their products, dent the thing that means the most to them, their wallets. I recently purchased an electric car, I chose a solidly European model! I must admit, this was no great sacrifice of conscience as I think Tesla's look like "Lego cars", tragically ugly and deserving of 100% import tariffs just because of that, still, it's always nice to do one's bit..
I'm put in mind of a joke I heard recently, it goes something like this, "People say that Musk is a Nazi, this is clearly false hysteria and should not be taken seriously, everyone knows that the Nazi's made pretty decent cars"..