Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Human misery

In the many strata of human scum in our world there must be a particularly viscous layer reserved for clairvoyants who profit from the grief of others, particularly of the TV celebrity kind.

In the US today we learn of the discovery of three incredibly unfortunate and brave women who endured 10 years of captivity in what sounds like the hands of inhuman criminals for what purpose we can only imagine in our worst nightmares. This is bad enough but what shouldn't be forgotten is the message (supposedly from the "other side") given to the Mother of one of these women just before she died by a fraudulent old hag called Sylvia Brown, a so called TV clairvoyant who told her that her daughter was dead. Where ever Sylvia Brown is today (in jail with any luck) I hope she is feeling the deep shame she deserves.

PS. This isn't a picture of Sylvia Brown but I wanted a suitable image of a clairvoyant so I laid out several pictures of well known woo woo practitioners, closed my eyes and concentrated hard on a mental image of a fresh steaming turd; once the image was clear I let my hand be guided by my spirit helper (Pinocchio) to a particular photo and the star spangled image of Sally Morgan rose up from the pile.

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