Thursday, November 15, 2018

Turning the corner

Looks like Brexit is in it's final death-throws, the convulsions have started. Today we've had the following crap to absorb..

- Man who didn't realise Dover was so close to France and who supposedly was in charge of negotiating the Brexit deal says it's fundamentally flawed and resigns, you have to ask why he negotiated it that way then, what a tool.

- Toff who clearly wants to fleece as many people as he can by shorting the crap out of everything via his hedge-fund and then causing as much chaos in the market as he can, changes his mind about who he wants to lead his party, but says the rest of us can't change our minds via another vote. Who the feck asked for his opinion anyway?

- Crooked Tory politician resigns under the cover of "principal" expects someone to give a toss.

- The Ulster contingent are causing problems again, having created a raft of exceptions just for them, i.e. a population of just 2 million (slightly less than West Yorkshire) they've decided to not support a Government that gave them a fistful of cash to be supported. I'm beginning to seriously reconsider my view on Irish re-unification.

It's getting silly now, people's lives and livelihoods are on the line, we need a second vote and/or a general election, the whole damn thing requires a hard-reset.

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