Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Rake Kill

I was out for my regular daily constitutional walk yesterday when I came across a rather unusual bit of road-kill. I often see dead critters by the side of the road while out walking, things like rabbits, birds, cats and the like, I even spotted a butterfly that had been hit by a train once, however, I'd never seen a mangled piece of gardening equipment until yesterday. As you can see from the picture it's a rake with a run-over handle! Trying to imagine the sequence of events that delivered this image was quite a challenge, probably the most likely was that the rake was sitting on top a pile of garden waste in the back of an open truck of some kind and it bounced into the road? Maybe, but it's quite difficult to see how it was just the handle that suffered damage, perhaps it was launched onto the pavement early in it's bid for freedom and only had a couple of hits? Anyway, I'm sure the rake part is serviceable and, now that Freddy Starr is dead, might be useful to a burgeoning Hitler impersonator perhaps?

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