Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Lot's of coverage for Novak Djokovic in the news today, mainly excerpts from an interview he did recently with Amol Rajan of the BBC where he attempts to "clarify" his position after the debacle of the Australian Open championship and his eventual expulsion from that competition. I've listened to most of the interview now and frankly it "clarifies" nothing for me, I still don't understand what his objections to vaccinations are nor do I understand the obvious contradiction in his claim that he wants total control over what he puts into his body because he's an "elite" athlete and yet seems quite content to miss tournaments (i.e. ceasing to be an elite athlete) because he won't put something as innocuous as a vaccine into his body.

I think I'd respect the guy more if he just said something like "I'm shit scared of f**king up my body because it pays for my lavish lifestyle" - that's something that I think everyone could at least partially understand. The problem for him is that he would then have to explain why he's afraid when billions of people have had vaccines with no problems at all, and also why he feels that his ability to earn huge amounts of money might trump other peoples freedom to NOT catch Covid from him! I fear we'll not hear any straight answers on any of these points so the chances are that he'll miss a few tournaments, oh well, I can't say I really care about that, he's free to make that choice, some people are just selfish I guess.

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