Sunday, August 28, 2022

Irish Brexit comedy

A very funny Irish comic I came across recently, talking about Brexit from the Irish point of view, amusing, sad and prophetic at the same time. It's funny how people in the UK hardly ever talk about this anymore, it's joined the list of dinner party no-no's along with religion and politics, as usual the Brits are paranoid about causing "offence"! Personally, I feel it's more appropriate than ever to dredge it all up again, we need a strong and united Europe right now and currently the prevailing wind is blowing in the opposite direction, especially with the incompetent Foreign Secretary we have, soon to be incompetent Prime Minister. Flush the Tories out of power ASAP and have a second referendum within 3 years, this kind of bold, pivotal move is what we need right now IMO or we'll fall even further down the economic league tables in terms of standards of living and social services provision, Scotland will be off and we'll have gained absolutely zip-all except blue passports and empty supermarket shelves.

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