Thursday, May 28, 2009

Michael O'Brien for Taoisearch

Michael O’Brien, 72, was separated from his seven brothers, sisters and cousins when they were placed in separate church-run residences in the 1940s. He suffered repeated rapes and beatings from age 8 onward in an industrial school run by the Rosminian order in the town of Clonmel.

O’Brien electrified the nation this week by denouncing a government minister on live television, detailing the perversions and terror he endured as a boy and demanding a constitutional crackdown on church wealth.

It must have taken huge courage to say what he said, he is clearly an honourable and articulate man, you cannot fail to sense the pain that is clearly below the surface.

The Catholic church (in league with a complacent Government) has a lot to answer for in Irish society, if I had to sum up what I feel about the Catholic church after watching this I would say that it is a parasitic blight on humanity and would conclude that the sooner this divisive and immoral organisation is legally evicted from the shadows of power and influence and exposed in the light of secular scrutiny and criticism the better off the entire world will be.


Elizabeth said...

Excellent post, and congrats for having the courage to say what you really think.

Steve Borthwick said...

Thanks E, you could say that this story hit a nerve; how is it that MPs get vilified in public for fiddling expenses and yet priests get nothing but a nice retirement in obscurity for ruining peoples entire lives, just unbelievable (end rant)

Oranjepan said...

Clonmel, twinned with Reading...