Monday, June 27, 2011

French about face..

I see that the new burka law in France has got off to a shaky start, according to this news story two women who were to receive fines for refusing to remove theirs in public were refused entry to the courts where the case was being heard because, yes you guessed it, they were wearing their burka's!

Apparently police have specific instructions not to remove the garments themselves and so the defendants were simply instructed to leave leaving the officials with egg on their faces (they should probably cover that up with something)

Personally I wouldn't have fined these particular women, they clearly relish every opportunity to remain intransigent over this issue by playing the "human rights abuse" card (LOL). A more fruitful approach perhaps would be a course of psycho therapy to treat them for the obvious Stockholm syndrome they're suffering from, surely we all have a right to proper mental health before having to endure the stress of a court case?

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