Thursday, November 17, 2016


Don't normally drink on a school night but tonight I've got the house to myself and need something to quaff with a re-run of the excellent "Planet Earth II" episode from Sunday. I made this one (in the picture above) "this is just a simulation" a few weeks ago and today being "world philosophy day" I thought it was doubly appropriate. When I made this beer I dumped a ton of Simcoe hops into it, Simcoe gives the beer a really nice fruity/piney/resinous/dank flavour. I think "dank" is a new word in the world of tastes, you hear it mostly in America; years ago it used to be a negative word, meaning (to me at least) damp, dark and cold but these days when applied to beer, specifically IPA style beer, it seems to mean "funky" or "pungent" but in a good way. That's what I love about the English language, it's so flexible, the only language where phrases like "slim chance" and "fat chance" can mean exactly the same thing!

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