Excellent response to the recent click-bait article in the Sun about Craft Beer. The essence of the article was that people who buy "Craft Beer" are essentially just trying to be "hip" because it really tastes horrible, and also stupid because it's horrendously over priced. They then recruited a bunch of miserable old gits to sample various craft beers and do their best impressions of Monty Pythons' four Yorkshiremen. Scores out of 10 varied from 0 to 1 for beers rated on "RateBeer" (a beer rating site populated by tens of thousands of reviewers) at mostly 8's or 9's, I guess it's a case of "you get what you pay for..."
The main example they cite as evidence for this position is an imperial stout (from America) that's on tap at the Craft Beer Co. in Old Street (London) at £22 per pint. Of course the whole point about this beer, called Speedway Stout Hawaiian "Special Edition", is that it's not for drinking by the pint, it's a 12% dark beer brewed in the USA (San Diego) and imported especially. As the name suggests it's a "Special Edition" i.e. only available in minuscule quantities world-wide! A third of a pint would be quite sufficient to try this beer and form an opinion about it and it's producers.
Of course, if you're an avid Sun reader and view beer as simply a delivery vehicle to attaining oblivion on a Saturday night and are looking for the lowest unit alcohol cost and a tasteless, uncontroversial and totally repetitive (dull) experience, then feel free to join your Brexit buddies at the nearest Wetherspoons; I doubt you'll break any hipster hearts. The rest of us (hipster or otherwise) will spend our hard earned cash on whatever the hell ridiculously fruit-laden, kettle-soured, brett-infested, milkshake IPA we fancy and enjoy every minute of it, thanks..