Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Uber Murk

Had one of these last weekend, it's a new beer from Siren and was made in conjunction with Dok Brewing Company in Gent (Belgium) Normally Belgian beers are world renown for being unique, often strong, often fruity with a particular yeast twang. Of course the Belgians are also famous for Trappist beers and have a long tradition with Lambic, Gueuze, Saison, Dubbel, Tripel and quad styles among many others. 

This beer however is nothing like any of those and is straight out of the New England play book, it's big, soft, hazy and hop saturated and it's delicious. Weighing in at 6.5% it's no slouch in the body department and includes a fist full of NZ hops (Nelson, Riwaka, Idaho7) in each sip! A very good effort indeed, I will be returning to the tap yard this weekend for another couple of these!

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