Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bye Biden

So, sleepy Joe Biden is no longer in the running to become President again. Many in the media are claiming that the whole thing (including the fateful TV debate) was an inside job, set up by top Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, who could see that the writing was on the wall for doddery old Joe. I'm not sure I completely believe this but TBH with American politics these days it's hard to tell reality from scary levels of incompetence or even perhaps conspiracy. I'm not sure that the vice president is the best replacement candidate for Biden, she seems a little dim-witted to me but then again it's hard to tell. Trump is conspicuously quiet at the moment, no doubt the rhetoric (and personal attacks) will ramp up over the coming weeks, I think it'll be a tough one to call the choice is Hobson's.

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