Saturday, August 24, 2024

Friday Crawl

Spent a pleasant afternoon in London Bridge yesterday (Friday) a little business and then met with a mate for a few pints and a catch up before walking across to Waterloo and the train home. We started our little session/crawl in the Rake in Borough Market, a reliable craft beer establishment, scruffy and small but the beer is always well kept and on point. I went for a pint of Verdant best bitter on cask, unusual for me as I usually prefer pale ales and IPA's on keg but I was feeling a little adventurous, it was delicious. After the Rake we wandered down Union Street stopping off at the Rose and Crown (for food) and then onto The Ring on Blackfriars Road who have a nice range of SALT beers (they don't put salt in the beer, the brewery is based in Saltaire near Shipley). After that we headed up to The Waterloo Tap under the arches on Sutton Walk and then a final scoop in the Brewdog under Waterloo station.

I snapped the above picture of the beer board in the Rake, a couple of bankers on there! I particularly liked the way they served their London Black (i.e. properly in two goes, like Guinness) and it was chilled perfectly, my mate had never tried it before so I got him a pint, it was a hit. In case you're wondering, the writing on the wall is a Rake tradition, if you're a professional brewer you are allowed to write a message on the wall! Coincidentally you can see the Saltaire Brewery scribblings in the picture, bottom centre..

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