Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bald hair

I was chatting to a religious Brother the other day about how the plurality of beliefs in the world provide evidence that none are true. He thought about this for a second and decided to go down the path of claiming that Atheism is "just another religion". I see this quite a lot, but, to me this seems like a case of poor reasoning on the part of the Theist, there are two reasons for this, let me elaborate. 

Firstly, when you are trying to diminish the position of your opponent it's usually not a good idea to equate the idea that your trying to disprove to your own position, this seems to me like shooting yourself in the foot somewhat? It's like saying, "your position can't be true because it's as bad as mine"... Secondly, Atheism is not about believing a claim (as religions are) it's about NOT believing the claims of any religion, it's as simple as that. Claiming that atheism is a religion is like claiming that bald is a hair colour, i.e. totally illogical, and where shampoo fits I have no idea.

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