Saturday, August 19, 2023

Building Work

As mentioned in the previous post, I had a quick stop-over in Reading yesterday while waiting for a connecting train and that necessitated a walk through the station area to a nearby pub, I was struck by how much development is going on there these days. As can be seen in the photo, what looks like the tallest building in the town is springing up and is apparently going to be a mix of residential, offices and shops. 

I can't help thinking it's a brave developer who builds new office blocks these days, most of the offices you see around the place are at best half empty if not closed down, especially around these parts (lots of tech and insurance jobs) everyone in white collar jobs seems to "work from home" these days. 

Reading has always been a bit scruffy, hopefully this will add something new into the mix, it's one of those towns that is too big to ignore having excellent connectivity, but doesn't quite have the critical mass to be a serious draw for businesses or punters alike (unlike London or Bristol etc.) I suspect that will change in the next decade or so though.

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