Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 Round Up (in pictures)


January - A cosy evening by the fire in the Fox (Caversham) sampling 2024 Putty from Verdant

February - A chilly walk around Winchester

March - Off to Vietnam and Cambodia for a wonderful touring holiday

April - Surprisingly warm afternoon on the Thames in Richmond

May - A perfect Czech pour (Pilsner) in Prague

June - Scotland for my Son's graduation, the beautiful St. Andrews

July - Staying with friends in the New Forest

August - Some lovely tapas in Sevilla, Spain

September - Back in London helping my kids find flats to rent

October - Visiting friends in Deal, Kent took the train to Canterbury for the day

November - A super-moon in Farringdon, London

December - Treating ourselves to some old Bordeaux, celebrating an exciting year!

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