Here is a heart warming story for brunettes who would rather be blonds. Apparently this little mouse in Nebraska has achieved what human women have been trying to do for years, it has turned itself from a "mousy" brown to a sandy blond without using any chemicals or suffering the humiliation of a Friday night rush job when the instructions on the packet weren't entirely followed correctly. How did she do it? evolution of course; just tweak a little gene in the right place and let natural selection do its thang!
Drawbacks? only a couple.. it takes 8,000 years and a lot of eagle eyed predators to get there :(
Oh darn! I was just reaching for the phone to make an app't to have my genes tweaked then you say I have to wait 8,000 years.
You are such a party pooper!
E, yes, not to mention the ruthless predation..!
Ruthless predation AND the loss of IQ points that comes with this particular gentic modification! ;-)
Hi Lisa, LOL and a very good point!; perhaps the blond gene is really a switch that flip the sections of DNA which either code for academic ability or enhanced handbag-shoe coordination? :)
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