Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A diamond in a cresent shaped haystack

As a topic for a blog religion and atheism seem destined to be at loggerheads for ever, however contrary to popular myth most Atheists (or at least the ones I know) aren't anti-religion in the sense that they would wish to ban it or outlaw it, don't get me wrong, if it died a natural death I wouldn't be out there campaigning to keep the churches open, at least not for the superstitious faith based elements of what happens there; for most Atheists I suspect that religion would be just fine if only it could keep itself to itself.

Today I read a little story that I felt compelled to share, it's a good news story, its about Islam and it's about sex education and good sense based on science, not words you often find on the same page! Mohamed Bashir of the North Brixton mosque in London says,

"Imams need to acknowledge "that not everyone practices their religion to the letter, there are Muslims who go to the mosque, who pray. They do everything similarly nicely and they suffer moments of lapse in judgement, they have extra-marital relations that they will not speak about, and engage in risky behaviour. Some imams might not want to admit that."

Mr Bashir's comments are in relation to HIV and the use of condoms. With such irrationally harsh prohibitions against homosexuality and sex outside of marriage within strict Islamic populations it can be understandably difficult if not perilous for people with HIV/AIDS to get help, obtain condoms, advice and medical treatment etc. it can also be impossible for them to even consult with their own families about such a culturally sensitive issue. Clearly from a scientific viewpoint such religiously inspired prohibitions and widespread ignorance of medical science simply drive sufferers underground, spread the virus more effectively and lead to much more suffering and pain than is necessary, when we are talking about matters of public health, ignorance and superstition is the enemy of everyone regardless of the cut of their cloth.

This looks like a step in the right direction, Mr Bashir could find himself in a position to help countless people and become a bit of a hero, hopefully his fellow clergy see things the same way as he does and get out of his way. Oh and Catholics take note, Bashir accepts that in the face of HIV, condoms may be the lesser of two evils, sounds like a winning strategy to me!

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