Friday, December 04, 2009

The fundie mind..

For rational people it is often difficult to grasp what must be going on in the minds of religious fundamentalists; it's definitely non-linear, probably recursive and gives equal weight to reality, tradition, myth and arguments from ignorance. Anyway I came across this little diagram the other day which helps to capture this process, the subject is same sex marriage.

Rational people need only a few moments to think about this subject, the number of inputs are much less for them, for example,

Anyone harmed - no
Anyone disadvantaged - no
Will it reduce suffering - yes
Any animals hurt in the making of this film - no

Job done.

Now as you can see from this diagram (click on it to see a bigger version), the religious fundamentalist on the other hand has a much more complicated set of issues to contemplate, no wonder they make such a mess of it - kinda makes you feel sorry for them....


Gerrarrdus said...

Shouldn't feel sorry for them, they feel no pain...

However - remembering that I'm a pinko-liberal Anglican - I take it that you'll be getting this chart changed if San Francisco *does* get turned into a smoking hole in the ground? There's always that risk, if you build a city on the San Andreas fault...

see you


Steve Borthwick said...

Hi G, no pain, no gain... (sorry, just sprung into my head)

SF will disappear one day, its all just a question of geological perspective I suppose, personally I will mourn for Napa :)