Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cross about crosses

Atheists are putting Christian’s noses seriously out of joint in New York. American Atheists, a non-profit group are objecting to steel girders arranged in the shape of a cross retrieved from the 9/11 rubble being housed in the new memorial museum, their logic being that since the museum is funded from public money this blatant religious symbol violates the US constitution as it relates to the separation of church and state. I can kind of see their point and we all know how Christian right wingers would react if say a Muslim or Jewish group wanted to place one of their symbols there instead (I’m sure plenty of crescent shaped bits of scrap metal could be dug up!) The stink created by the attempted positioning of an Islamic cultural centre near ground zero was plain for all to see, a positive feast of pots calling kettles rude names.

Christians must accept as a matter of fact and indeed history that people of all faiths and none perished in that attack equally without dignity or memorial, no single group should demand that they have a privileged position, particularly when the memorial is state funded. However, Atheists there should also seriously weigh up the pros and cons of such a move, in any campaign you have to choose your battles carefully and frankly this one will simply look arbitrary and mean spirited, a lose-lose scenario, they should drop it IMO, especially when there are much more worthy targets around. Like, for example, dominionist nutters Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann mixing religion and politics freely, bashing science and unbelievably running for the presidential office.

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