Thursday, August 09, 2012

Mohawk hair science

Climate denial vs. real science..

The guy on the left is your typical old school GOP "vested interest" kind of US Senator (James Inhofe from Oklahoma) gun toting and god fearing no doubt. He's a climate change denier which, because of the utterly dire way in which bad science is given a disproportionally high profile in our mainstream media he seems to get away with. Inhofe was elected despite the overwhelming evidence for global warming which make his pathetic assertions on this subject about as credible as the "stork theory" of reproduction. Unfortunately for our species, Human beings generally prefer believing in things that they'd like to be true rather than things that are actually true, and while that behavioural attribute remains people like Inhofe continue to exploit them by claiming that "God says Global warming is a hoax" whilst behind the scenes receives millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry.

The guy on the right (Bobak Ferdowsi) is a real scientist and works for NASA and has seemingly caused more of a stir in the media than the fact that human-kind has been able to land a one ton beach buggy on the surface of a planet 250 million miles away from Earth. It's indicative of the way science is discussed in the media these days that Bobak is such a hit, with a budget running to billions of dollars it's as obvious as an ice core up your end-times that NASA would be scientifically advanced enough to produce a "hot geek", it's not rocket science.... oh wait....

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