Monday, September 17, 2012

Morality distortion field

The expression on my fellow primate's face sums up my feelings about this. I'm talking about the fact that in the name of Muslim solidarity a religion and it's leaders are able to warp peoples innate morality to the extent that they feel it's their duty to destroy property and kill non-Muslims over a pathetic piece of trash film on the internet that nominally hurts their feelings whereas those same people remain silent as a Muslim government drops fire and death on it's own children.

This isn't moral, wise or even sane, Hitchens was right, it poisons everything.


Chairman Bill said...

And they quite happily blow up Buddhist statues in Afghanistan, which is the subject of my post tomorrow.

Steve Borthwick said...

CB, I find that observing Middle Eastern politics and religious lunacy is like watching my 9 year old children squabble, a zero sum game that always ends in tears.