Monday, December 19, 2016

3 steps to heaven

Ex-Arch Bishop of Canterbury, George Carey, demonstrates that cognitive dissonance is alive and well and leading a full and unproductive life in leading Christian "thinkers". His "three step plan" to combat secularism (did anyone other than him think it needs to be "combated"?) consists of the following gems of wisdom...

1. RE (presumably just the Christian bits?) should be mandatory in GCSEs
2. Migrants should be taught that the UK is a "Christian" country
3. The Government should provide training in religious affairs to Judges

His "logic" (an abuse of that word) is as follows,

In his words "A strong religious identity breeds confidence and sensitivity towards others". Does this wally not realise that it's exactly the sense of "blind-confidence" in religious zealotry that gives us ISIS, inquisitions, Boko Haram, the KKK and witch-trials? In what alternate reality does indoctrinating someone they are right about the most important question in the world (with no mechanism of disproof whatsoever) and that everyone else is wrong lead to "sensitivity"? In pretty much every single historical example there has ever been it leads directly to division, hatred, violence and general idiocy.

He also says "We are wholly indifferent to the fate of Christians and Christianity within our own shores", one wonders what Carey has against equality and democracy? The way it should work (and on the whole does) is that we should ALL BE EQUAL under the law, regardless of what we believe or not! The Government and the law should be totally indifferent to the religious beliefs of any group or person, what matters are actions not the subjective opinions or "Sunday-hobbies" of people.

Carey also claims that "It's a dangerous state of affairs when, Christmas cards are considered offensive, or the cross is banned because it is thought divisive" - who thinks Christmas cards are offensive? I bet he couldn't cite one single (non fruit-cake example) and who the hell is it "dangerous" for? His salary perhaps. Britain is not a "Christian country" in any legal or practical sense, it is certainly a country with a Christian heritage (we know because it's shoved down our throats at every given opportunity) but the majority of people in this country are not Christian by any meaningful definition of that word. However, in my experience, those non-Christians are quite capable of being entirely tolerant of their Christian neighbours even though quite often reciprocal politeness is not offered.

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