Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday Smirk

It's always interesting to probe what self-proclaimed "Agnostics" actually believe. Quite often you find that it's simply a hypothetical position taken in order not to upset anyone, usually couched in the phrase "I'm not religious but I am spiritual" (even more vague) Unfortunately, for language/logic pedants (like me) it makes no sense to say that someone is not an Atheist but is an Agnostic instead. We all kind of know what they mean, but if you don't know if something exists or not then how can you believe in it? It must be the opposite, i.e. surely the only logical position is to NOT believe in things that you don't know exist (like Unicorns, Fairies and Dragons), making you (technically) an Agnostic Atheist when it comes to God! 

If you are certain that God or Gods don't exist of course, then, you are 100% Atheist, but that position clashes with a proper scientific world-view that everything is provisional and dependent on weight of evidence (or lack of) Best approach is honesty, i.e. there is no evidence for God or Gods, never has been, everything in recorded history would seem to suggest that the thousands of gods that have existed in the minds of men are simply that i.e. man-made ideas spread as memes. No one knows for sure about the origins of the universe so until evidence surfaces and the various conjectures become testable then the only logical position to hold (if logic and reason is important to you) is to be an Agnostic Atheist.

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