Wednesday, September 12, 2018


It's often easy to get carried away with how significant individual Human Beings are in the Universe, after all we've got mobile phones that go ping when we stand up and microwave ovens for goodness sake! However, it's beneficial to take a step back now and again and review things in light of some relative measures regarding our existence, measures like these for example.

- There are roughly 7 billion humans on planet Earth
- It would take over 200 years to physically count to a billion
- Roughly 4 people are born every second and roughly 2 people die
- You could fit roughly 1000 planet Earth's into a globe the size of planet Jupiter
- Jupiter could fit inside our Sun nearly 1300 times over
- At the fastest speed ever achieved (50k mph) it's 80,000 years to our next nearest star
- Over 5 Billion of our Sun's could comfortably fit inside the largest star we know of..

And I thought it was a long walk to the newsagents..

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