Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Give'm Pell

I've blogged on this topic a couple of times over the years and the subject has also been covered widely in the main-stream media as well as via comedians and other public figures. It would seem that Cardinal Pell, the disgraced Vatican treasurer has finally been banged to rights. Pell was found guilty by a jury of his peers in Melbourne, Australia of multiple counts of child abuse, not once but twice (on appeal) 

Let's hope that the victims of his despicable behaviour can achieve some kind of closure and sense of justice now, and that Pell will finally accept responsibility for his actions and the disgraceful cover-ups perpetrated by the Catholic establishment under his watch. The previously senior position he held in that besmirched organisation won't help him much where he's headed, I believe the criminal fraternity (with whom he'll hopefully be sharing digs for a good long while) still have a pretty dim view of people who commit crimes against children like his.

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