Wednesday, June 26, 2019

ASDA (or, do as I say not as I do...)

As usual, J&M wrapping a serious subject in satire to get a message across. ASDA have a lot to answer for in this case, not only are they hypocritical, it appears that they've decided to give preferential treatment to the opinions of a group of religious employees over one who is not, this is discrimination if ever I heard it and should be enough for any aspiring lawyer to make a name (and a few quid) for themselves with, sounds like a £100k out-of-court settlement to me?

For those that don't know the details the supermarket fired someone because they shared a video clip of a Billy Connolly sketch about religion (on their personal Facebook page) and some co-workers complained that they were "offended". It would appear that the complainants were Muslims, many of whom just love to play the "offended" card and throw their toys out of the pram whenever their religion is even mildly criticized. Clearly these people need to grow up and realise that their opinions on theology mean absolutely nothing sacred to the vast majority of people here, but even if they were offended, so what? In an ironic twist to the story the very same video of Connolly ranting about religion can actually be purchased in ASDA stores! 

Connolly was perfectly at liberty to say what he said (never a truer word etc..) and this 54 year old disabled check-out assistant was perfectly within his rights to post a clip of it on his own PRIVATE Facebook page. We have freedom of speech and expression in this country (supposedly) and I'm sure the vast majority of people here would agree with this chap's right to express himself however he sees fit, within our laws. Those same people now need to stand up to ASDA on this issue and call out this blatant hypocrisy, religious discrimination and abuse of authority.

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