Thursday, July 25, 2019

Who needs experts..

I've lost count of the number of times I've watched the inevitable car-crash of a bunch of people trying to implement a data-processing system using spreadsheets or isolated reporting tools. It ALWAYS ends up wasting time, money and emotional energy, ultimately being discarded and started again (usually with exactly the same flaws) The strange thing is that many people seem unable to learn this simple lesson, which is just the classic "stitch in time" one, not complicated but indicative of the fact that most people don't understand either data or software and yet when combined with ego and arrogance (who needs experts!), some software tools are simple enough to use (superficially) to sucker them into thinking that they do. I've given up trying to talk people down on this, these days I simply refuse to get involved at all, more useful things to do with my life.

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