Thursday, April 08, 2021

All hail the dark lord..

Saw an amusing argument between a Satanist and a Christian on social media the other day, the thread went something like this..

Christian: Satanists are evil because they follow the most evil being in the Universe, Satan!
Satanist: Satanists don't actually believe in the LITERAL devil
Christian: So, who believes in the LITERAL devil then?

I often see Christians arguing that Atheists must also be Satanists since they don't believe in the Christian god! It's almost like they think that anyone that doesn't think the way they do must be de-facto evil, a somewhat sociopathic way of thinking if you ask me. It's amusing to watch the obvious cognitive dissonance occurring when you tell them that you don't believe in the devil (or in fact any of the 20,000 gods that men have invented) either!


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