Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Things that go bump in the night..

We had a strange thing happen last Friday evening. All of a sudden we heard a fairly decent bang followed by a hissing sound, all apparently happening in the street outside our house. Upon further investigation we discovered that a manhole cover had been blown out of it's seating and steam was billowing out of the gap. I sheepishly lifted the cover expecting to unleash a bunch of demons from the bowls of the earth but underneath was nothing but a puddle and some bubbling, the iron cover and the gas emerging was pretty hot however. Turns out that an electricity junction had failed under the street and ground water had seeped into the void and heated up to boiling point, generating steam which in turn had lifted the cover. Mystery solved, but now we have a gaping hole outside our house waiting to be filled in by the electric company, I fear that part could take some time..


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