Thursday, October 13, 2022

UN Checklist

Interesting, the result of the latest vote in the UN on Ukraine, the motion defended the territorial integrity of Ukraine according to the principals of the UN charter. It ended up at 143 in favour, 35 abstaining and 5 against. A great result for the majority of countries who are clearly against this Russian atrocity and bone crushingly predictable that the 5 countries for it are the ones in the grip of dictators who themselves are in the pocket of Putin or feel aligned with his isolationist stance (like North Korea). The disappointments here are countries like India, Pakistan, South Africa and several commonwealth countries who abstained! I can understand why China would do that but are these other more liberal countries not for the UN charter? Still, this does provides quite a handy check list of countries to avoid when it comes to investment and aid, or at least those to be wary of.


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