Thursday, June 08, 2023

Worms turning?

I see that Oxfam has gotten itself into yet another embarrassing situation by publishing a video apparently showing a cartoon of JK Rowling as a demonic "TERF" abusing "trans" people. 

It wasn't that long ago that this organisation had it's UK funding withdrawn over cases of sexual abuse in the DRC where it was providing aid workers. Apparently they had prostitutes supplied and paid for their amusement, Women who's lives were probably quite hard enough already, to be exploited by the very people sent to help them would, in light of this cartoon, seem to be the summit of hypocrisy. Oxfam also had a sex scandal surrounding it back in 2018 in Haiti when a devastating earthquake killed hundreds of thousands.

While it's perfectly OK to express a view, i.e. to disagree with the position that someone like JKR might hold, it's not OK to vilify an individual and portray them as demonic in public, thus inciting a reaction (potentially violent) from other activists, without context or evidence, in fact, contrary to the evidence! I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't sue, or threaten to in this case, it seems like a perfect opportunity to assist the worm in turning against the extremes of TRA (trans-rights activism) If this is the straw that takes Oxfam down then other organisations will hopefully think twice before jumping on these bandwagons of virtue signalling (or "woke washing" as it's known), and perhaps people will regroup in the centre ground, where the (rational) majority sits and this debate should be happening.

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