Monday, January 15, 2018

Transport Blues

Well, here we are again, Blue Monday, allegedly the most depressing day of the year. 

I've had a particularly crappy morning so far, first it's freezing cold with a delightful side-dish of horizontal rain. Secondly, I had to run my kids to school extra early (out before 7 am) which meant I spent over an hour in the car in various tedious traffic jams around Reading. Having finally arrived at my office I now have to walk to the train station and catch the train up to town (London) and attend a couple of meetings with a 3 hour gap in between, finally coming home during peak rush-hour (joy) It was pitch-black when I left the house and it will be pitch-black by the time I get back at around 8 pm tonight, let's hope it isn't still raining. Oh well, I can't really complain too much, after listening to radio 4 this morning I can at least be thankful that I'm not a Rohingya Muslim at the moment, sounds like those people are going through proper hell (and not just transport delays)

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