Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Magic Water

Glad to see that the High Court has upheld a decision that the NHS is no longer obliged to fund Homeopathic treatments in England. No doubt this will prompt lots of whining from the people who think it's the job of taxpayer funded science to "prove" that whatever woo-woo they pull from their butts doesn't work. Fortunately people are starting to wise-up and realise that the onus of proof is on the people making the claim and we don't assume a proposition is true just because someone's granny once got over her rash after drinking some water with an imperceptible amount of poo in it. We require evidence and repeatable double blind-testing, something the vested interests behind this narrative have never managed to reliably provide over and above that expected by pure chance (i.e. the placebo effect).

From now on if people want this stuff then fine, that is their right, but they'll need to buy their own "magic water"...

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