Sunday, August 04, 2019

19th Hole

J&M commenting on recent moves at a UK church to drum up more business. The entertainments committee at Rochester Cathedral decided to install a 9-hole crazy golf course to attract more visitors. It's not clear if people will turn up for a religious experience or because they saw it on the telly, what we can be pretty sure about is that most 8 year olds won't experience a miraculous conversion moment as they tee off into the mouth of a cardboard crocodile. I can't help be cynical about this, stripping away the medieval architecture, pretty windows and "fun" based marketing, it's just another religious organisation trying to lure children into it's clutches with gimmicks! In other words a blatant attempt to target vulnerable (intellectually) segments of the community with a particular set of ideas and dogma in an attempt to extract resources from them, it should at least be taxed as such!

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