Thursday, December 19, 2019

Basically theocratic

I posted on this subject a little while ago, it's the thorny issue of biological sex and whether or not it exists. Now, like most things it depends on your definition, if you are a grown up and educated you will probably reach for the Biological (i.e. scientific) definition since that's the one that has been held to the highest standard of critical thinking and evidence. When you look at the science (and understand it) then to say that "it exists and people cannot change their biological sex" is simply stating a fact. However, as most of us realise, our society and certain elements in it don't much care for science and all of its "theories" and "evidence" and wot-not, they prefer to go with things like "gut-feel", "authority" and "feelings" to determine what's true. The beauty of everything being subjective, and objective reality not existing of course is that then we can all bend and flex our views of that reality to suit our preconceived opinions, dogmas or political agendas.

Maya Forstater, a tax expert, was fired from her job recently (via a tribunal) for questioning (via a few tweets) the Government's plans to allow people to declare their own gender. The judge in her case deemed her view to be "not worthy of respect in a democratic society" which seems to be like robbing Peter to pay Paul? Anyway, in Forstater's view a man identifying as a woman, for example a trans-woman, should not be able to describe themselves as a women. Her reasoning for this was that it permitted (biological) males to violate female only spaces (such as changing rooms etc.) and as such is illiberal. I think this is a subject worth discussing and debating more, and certainly not something anyone should lose their job over. Many people seem to be agreeing with her, Author J.K. Rowling took Maya's side and tweeted on the subject which caused the internet to melt, what she said was as follows,

Dress however you please.
Call yourself whatever you like.
Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. 
Live your best life in peace and security. 
But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?

I must say that I agree with her on this, nobody should be harassed or discriminated against for their gender expression. However, trans-women are not women, they are at some stage of transition certainly, but will never be biologically women, and that's fine! But, being forced to pretend that sex doesn't exist is basically theocratic!

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