Thursday, September 24, 2020

People love to moan


So, the news is full of people moaning and bitching about the second wave lock-down rules, or claiming to be "confused". I suppose we should come to expect that a certain percentage of our society is always going to moan and bitch about things whatever the circumstances or "thing" under discussion, and another percentage are stupid enough to be genuinely confused (or uncaring/reckless) Populations tend work this way, it's analogous to the percentage of our society who are almost certain to die if they contract the disease itself.

I was listening to the new Times Radio news channel this morning and they were interviewing Mat Hancock. The interviewer said something like "so the worst case scenario is that restrictions will last beyond Christmas" to which Hancock replied "no, the worst case scenario is that you'll die from Covid-19", a good response (for a change) I thought, it bought a much more serious tone to the whole interview and some actual facts were discussed rather than the usual media tack of droning on endlessly about people's perceived "feelings" as if they were material to something like a virus. I'm getting tired of listening to English graduates (TV presenters) interviewing Lawyers (Politicians) on technical subjects; it's so refreshing to hear from a rational scientist talking about what we actually do and don't know rather than the endless interpretation and re-interpretation of people's supposed "feelings". The only safe bet in all this is that whoever we are and whatever side of the debate we fall, we all love to moan, including me!

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