Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Nicola, no more..

Like the famous chorus from the Proclaimers song "Letter from America", rather than singing along with "Lochaber no more, Sutherland no more", her detractors will be humming "Nicola no more". If true and she does resign because she's "had enough" I can certainly understand why, politics these days, at least in the higher echelons, must be a complete nightmare! I feel a certain sadness for her and while I don't agree with the break up of the Union I did think she represented a "grown-up" voice in a sea of childish babble during the pandemic and her stance on independence was at least solid and principled. I think the whole culture war, trans thing finally did her in. You could sense something in the air a couple of weeks ago when she had a disastrous TV interview on the whole "define what a Woman is" thing, and then had to reverse some rather stupid decisions about putting a convicted rapist into a Woman's prison (duh!) Anyway, I'm sure that on balance people will thank her for her long service and wish her well, she was no Angela Merkel but on the other hand she was no Liz Truss either!

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