Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Czech Memories

Thinking about our trip to Prague earlier in the year, such an interesting, multi-layered and enjoyable place to visit and, I felt, meshed with my personality really well. I often find that certain cultures I get on with and others I don't, clearly it's not completely binary but I tend to go for places that have more of a skeptical and rational flavour to them although this sometimes applies to a city rather than a whole country. The Czech Republic seems to be one of those kinds of places, although I need to sample more of it to be sure, most of the people you interact with seem to be quite direct, to the point, no BS, I like that. I found this to be the case in Norway last year as well, similar kind of clinical efficiency although that doesn't mean stuff isn't sometimes daft. Many of the pubs in Prague have a really social vibe to them as well, more similar to the UK than say France or the USA, many have silly (but Human) artwork on the walls too, see below..

Must plan a re-visit soon!

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