Monday, July 29, 2024

London Stories

The same building separated by 60 years. I vaguely remember the seedy version of Soho back in the 70's but alas was far too young to avail myself of it's services. I do remember walking with much embarrassment through the alleys and walkways around Brewer Street and Gt Windmill Street, especially when accompanied by parents etc. a young lad didn't know where to look! I remember my own Son experiencing a similar feeling as we walked together around Amsterdam and past some windows with scantily clad ladies in them, amusing at the time but such is the nature of growing up I suppose. With the advent of video and latterly the internet, depictions of nudity and sex have moved from physical sites like the one on the left to less obvious places, I'm not sure that's necessarily a good thing for hormone filled youngsters though.

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