Monday, March 02, 2020

No possible flaw

It's been ages since I've had a pop at the idea of "creationism". Saw this meme the other day and thought, that's a nice summary of their position; a good one to remember to "whip-out" at an appropriate point in any debate on the subject. 

Actually though, I reckon this is the position of most religious people, certainly our monotheistic brothers and sisters. The nuance of course, is that at the more sophisticated end of the spectrum the tactic seems to be to insert the "Deity" figure into the small gap (Cosmologically speaking) between the big-bang and evolution by natural selection getting started on planet Earth. They must feel like this gap in our current understanding of nature is sufficiently large for their ideas to fit into un-challenged? Personally I wouldn't want to peg my hopes on something as tenuous as a gap in scientific understanding, history has shown that gaps like that have a tendency to shrink quite quickly over time leaving the gap-filler disoriented, dogmatic and somewhat bitter (i.e. a classic creationist)

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