Monday, July 27, 2020

Bubble life

Sometimes you see things and think, I wonder what's going on there? 

Today I went for a walk at lunch time (as I usually do) and as usual (being Summer in the UK) it was fine for the first 60 seconds and then the heavens opened and I was persistently rained on for the remaining 59 minutes! Anyway, the weather isn't the point of my story. While I was walking I saw a man (similarly drenched) who was striding along with his head bowed down, without adjusting his posture for a second, he proceeded like this for a good 2 minutes as he approached me up a long straight road. As he passed I noticed that he was looking at his phone, but not (as I thought) listening to messages or reading an important email but he was watching some kind of movie (or video)!

Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing strange about watching movies but I think it takes some kind of dedication to watch a movie in the rain, whilst out for a walk! I always think the point of going for a walk in the first place it to do something that you can't do indoors, i.e. be outdoors. I guess he was at least getting some exercise while watching his movie but I couldn't help thinking that there must be some kind of back-story there?

Maybe this was a movie that his wife/partner couldn't stand and the only way he could see it was to watch it secretly whilst walking (maybe he doesn't have a shed?) Or, maybe he was some kind of covert operative and the movie self destructed after 10 seconds of reaching the end. I concluded that maybe "bubble-life" is finally getting to me or maybe it's just fun to imagine stuff when you're out walking in the rain! Whatever, and anyway, even if this is a crap story at least you can't accuse me of needing to get out more!

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