Thursday, December 17, 2020

A fishy tale..

Interesting that the "gammons" among us are hyperventilating about "fishing" at the moment, there's not a right-wing newspaper, blog or newsgroup that you can find that doesn't at least have some blowhard banging on about sending in gunboats to blow the French fishing fleet out of our waters (and similarly pathetic and jingoistic garbage). 

Of course, as per usual, reality is somewhat distant from their narrow nationalistic perspective. Above you can see an image showing the radar signals from every British fishing vessel the other week, and as you can see, in terms of boats fishing in actual "English" inshore waters (12 miles from our coastline), or, our offshore waters (200 miles) there's not a lot going on. Take a look at the official map of our "waters" and count the boats for yourself (see below)

It would appear that British boats prefer to fish off Irish, French and Icelandic waters rather than our own which begs the question when we piss off all our neighbors by being pedantic about fishing rights (0.12% of our economy) who is really going to lose out, we watch with baited breath...


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