Sunday, July 24, 2022

Abstract Teenagers


My 18 year old Daughter was in Portugal last week on a "girls holiday" with some of her mates. Much anxiety here at family HQ as it was the first time she's been away under her own steam! Anyway, all seemed to go OK, no distress calls from Faro or lost passports etc. There were only two minor issues that needed further discussion on her return, firstly the tattoo that appeared (not a fan of tattoos) I guess it's de rigeur for teens these days (until it isn't etc.) and it wasn't a significantly noticeable one, so no biggie. Second was the holiday "gift" (pictured above), I have no idea what it's supposed to be other than a money box (it has a slot in the top) It must be some Portuguese cartoon character or something and what on earth is it holding? Anyway, I guess we can put it down to some kind of abstract figure, much like the tattoo, it's more about perception than reality.

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