Saturday, July 16, 2022

Old and New

Love the juxta position of old vs. new in Boston, much like London the old churches are overshadowed by towers of steel and glass. This particular church hosts the "Granary Burying Ground" one of the old graveyards of the city where you can find many of the final resting places of revolutionary big hitters like Paul Revere and a few of the original signatories of the declaration of independence like Samuel Adams. It's a spooky place, quite plain (unlike Highgate in London) but you can sense the historical importance of the site by the hushed silence that everyone adopts upon entry via the ornate iron gates.

Here's the rather plain headstone belonging to Samuel Adams, as you can see they didn't go in for too much pomp or ornamentation in those times!

After visiting some of the historical sites of our host city we dropped into the aptly named "Democracy Brewing" tap room and sampled a tasting paddle of their current beers, not quite revolutionary but not bad at all..

From left to right we have "Suffragette" (a Belgian Wit), "Miranda" (a fruited sour), "Consummate Rioter" (a session IPA) and "Rebel Rouser" (a double IPA) a decent range of different styles, like the architecture, some old and some new, all good.

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