Friday, July 01, 2022

When you Row out into unknown waters you never know if you can Wade back to shore..


People say that Women will die because of the overturning of Row vs. Wade by the Supreme Court in the USA, this is true but probably not because of what you think. On the whole, self managed medication abortions are safe (not always) and effective however Women will die because,
  • They will bleed out after an ectopic pregnancy ruptures.
  • They will die from sepsis because of an incomplete miscarriage.
  • They will die by suicide because they don’t see another way out
  • They will be killed by their partners.
  • They will die from cancer because the treatment that would save their life would harm the fetus.
Which ever way you look at this it's not rationality and reason driving this decision, it's an argument from authority and (blind) faith, the Christian right is imposing it's (unfalsifiable) beliefs on everyone, we need to be clear about that and stand up for the idea of freedom of conscience. We need to be guided by 21st century ethics informed by evidence and experience, not hypocritical adherence to parochial and arbitrary rules made up by Bronze age goat herders!

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