Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Billy no-mates..

In a recent interview with Newsnight Senator Brendan Boyle (Dem) laid things out for those people in this country that are still operating under the delusion that the USA gives two figs about UK trade, he said,

"Some seem to be confused so let me explain. About 30% of US trade is with Canada & Mexico. China accounts for another 13%. As for the UK, it is 2.5%, the same as Taiwan, Vietnam, & India. So when some are confused why a trade deal with the UK isn’t a high priority, now you know."

Seems unsurprising and totally predictable to me, I find it quite amazing, what with whole industries packing up and leaving, empty shelves and fuel shortages threatened for Winter, that there are still people out there, some of whom even have a decent education, that are still defending Brexit? Even more important than that though, I think people who believe the UK needs (and wants) to rejoin the EU should take every opportunity to point out the frauds and opportunists who lied and cheated their way through the leave campaign for short term greed and personal enrichment. It's these people that have the lost livelihoods, closed businesses and economic decline of our country on their hands! (see below)

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