Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday Smirk

J&M this week discussing the capitulation of a cinema chain to intimidating Muslim mobs in Bolton, Birmingham and Sheffield. Of course, cinema chains are private companies and so can show whatever films they want but you have to admit, it's a bit rich for one Muslim sect to dictate what another Muslim sect (or indeed anyone) can see in a public cinema in a free country that has NO BLASPHEMY LAWS.

The film in question is called "The Lady of Heaven" narrates a (fictional) story from the perspective of Shi'ite Muslims including important early Sunni figures such as the daughter of the Prophet (Fatima), which of course, is considered "blasphemous" by majority Sunni Muslim activists. For the record, this is not just legitimate protest either, the producer of the film has received death threats and promises of violence have been made to staff and punters at several cinema outlets showing the film.

Those those of us who don't give two hoots about Islam or the Koran, what it says or how it's interpreted by different sects (and there are lots of us!) but are interested in the history of religions, or simply believe that Blasphemy doesn't exist are even more likely to want to see this film now, and long may that tradition continue! If you don't like a piece of art, however offensive to your own personal delusions, then simply don't watch it, if you want to make it sought out then protest your hearts out, if you want to guarantee it becomes a classic then get it banned.

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