Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Red for Danger

Here's an alarming story, apparently Russia is threatening Lithuania with dire consequences if it doesn't stop interfering with Russian goods being shipped through its territory by rail to Kaliningrad, which is a piece of Russian territory cut off from the rest of Russia, a hang-over from the second world war. Lithuania is enacting an EU policy of preventing banned/sanctioned goods moving into Russia, things like coal, metals, construction materials etc.

This seems like a local dispute until you realise that Lithuania is a member of NATO and as such is protected by collective defense treaties meaning that if Russia attacks it in order to get vital supplies through to it's isolated territory then the whole of NATO is effectively at war with Russia, a nightmare scenario. It's stupid stuff like this that has in the past started stupid wars that went on to kill millions, let's hope our political leaders are paying attention (for some reason I feel anxious about that).


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