Monday, July 25, 2022


Tried a new beer over the weekend a collaboration between my local brewer Siren and the Wild Beer Co (Somerset) I've encountered the WBC before, it was last year while having a week off in Wells with my family, one of my favourite beers of the trip was their "Wild IPA" which was superb. Anyway, this one is good too, a West Coast style (slightly bitter, sweet, grapefruit etc.) called "Cryo The Coast", I assume that Cryo refers to the way in which the hops were processed that were added to this beer, it's a way of concentrating the hop aromatics and oils (using liquid Nitrogen) into a pellet (rather than whole flowers) so you can essentially use less of them to get the same amount of flavour thereby increasing yields and reducing hop matter in the final beer, which has to be removed before packaging etc. It was a nice beer, not quite as good as the Wild IPA IMO but still solid.


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